
Bilateral meetings with the US EPA, Washington, DC

I had a rare opportunity on behalf of AirQo to have bilateral engagements with colleagues at the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), including a visit to the DC’s Department of Energy & Environment (DOEE) air quality monitoring unit.

Our discussions covered key areas of mutual collaborations in Africa, partly anchored on the recent developments including the adoption of the UNEA 6/10 resolution on regional cooperation for improved air quality for which the US played a key role, the AQMx, a global resource exchange platform and the Africa clean air programme.

After a hybrid meetiing with the US EPA experts

I also had an opportunity to visit one of DC's air quality monitoring sites

A field visit to one of DC's air quality monitoring sites

Embracing air pollution as a shared problem enables meaningful cross-border knowledge sharing and collaborations.
The Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs is providing incredible leadership through the global communities of practice.

These engagements are part of our ongoing collaborations with the US lead agencies on advancing global capacity to tackle urban air pollution.